Sparkled Beauty

I Live to Shine


Groundhog Day and Lost

Posted by Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty

Today is probably the coldest day Halifax has seen this winter. The forecast low is -26 windchill. I froze my legs off walking to work from Squirt's school, horrible.

I wouldn't blame the groundhogs who predict the winter this year. Our "Shubenacadie Sam" is proudly the first one in North America to predict the weather and he saw his shadow this morning at 8am. This means winter will stick around for another 6 weeks. Yuck.

Photo credit:

On a positive note, Lost returns tonight for the last season. I found myself in a position of both wanting and not wanting to watch it on tv. I hate to wait another week to know what happens, and by then I'd hardly remember what happened the week before. Previous seasons, I waited till the DVDs came out and watch them all together, lol. This year, it's gonna be hard with so many people talking about it on twitter (spoilers, lol).

Someone tweeted song parody that pretty much sums up what people want to know. If you are a Lost fan, I know you'll be having the same questions :-)

Stay warm, everyone!


  1. BRRR!! Punxatawney Phil ALWAYS sees his shadow...
    (dumb little rodent) LOL!

  2. Wow, you have enormous will power! I would never in a million years be able to wait for the DVDs after each season. lol. Plus, I like visiting the various blogs and message boards between each episode to read various questions and theories, which I think has added to my experience and understanding of the show so much. :) Anyway, great video--I think I've watched it 10x now and never get sick of it. lol. Thanks for a Lost post today! Counting down the minutes...

  3. Ahahahahahaaaa that video is hilarious!
    I lost my interest in the series after the 2nd season, I think I only watched about 10 episodes of the 3rd. I had the same problem as you, by the time the next episode is shown, I'd already forgotten what was in the previous one. Everyone was related to everyone else in a twisted way and I just got SO confused!
    I'm gonna wait til the DVDs are all out then I'm gonna shut myself up at home n watch them all in one go!

  4. I never got into the whole "Lost" thing but my brother has specifically forbidden me to call him tonight while the show airs. LOL!

  5. Omg, I'm watching the show right at this moment. Shocking details!

    yardsticks 4 lunatics, sucks huh?

    R, I just ignored the tv completely at the time, so no will power required, lol. x10 times watchign the video huh? You made a record

    MACnunu, I was going to do the same, but I want to know the answers like now, so I have to watch it, lol

    Shop N' Chomp, that's hilarious - No phone call during Lost :-)
