July 22, 2013

NOTD: Julie G Rock Candy

Hi guys, I'm (kinda) back :) The move was exhausting (I didn't sleep at all Friday night, then passed out Saturday night after the movers left), but I'm glad it was over and done with.

I won't have internet at the new house until Thursday, and I am trying to give myself time to just breath, so posts might be pretty scattered.

This particular post is to mourn my long nails (besides showing you the beautiful nail polish that was Jesse's Girl Julie G Gumdrops in Rock Candy).

With the move, my nails broke off here and peeled there, to the point short was the only way to go. I know they will grow back, but in the mean time, my finger tips hurt with the nubs :(

Anyway, Rock Candy is a beautiful and sparkly baby blue with a hint of teal. Shades like this is what keeps me going back to textures. Note that it looks lighter on the nails than in the bottle.

Bloggers said it is a dupe of Orly Aqua Pixel, so that's even better. I'll tell you the same thing I told you in previous Julie G NOTDs, get them when you can :) Not sponsored, btw, I bought them myself (well, thanks to a US friend).

And here with flash to show you the sparkles, how could I not, right?

You know what I found out about myself with the move? I have a lot of stuff - makeup, nail polish, shoes, you name it. But I hated the look of the movers and the friends who helped me that day when they saw the stash. They told me I need to downsize!

Of course I don't need all that to live, but they are my joy and pride and I didn't go into debt buying them. Why can't I just have something I love? I don't care about what the movers think, but my friends? It hurts a little with their judgement. More reasons for me to want to be just by myself, I tell you!


  1. I bet your friends have collections of some sorts - I feel like your collection of makeup, nail polish, shoes, etc is your "thing" - just like a lot of us bloggers - so I believe that it is a great collection and that you should keep at it!

    Don't let the "disapproval" of others deter you from what you enjoy!

    1. Hi Delainie, thank you for much for the kind words of encouragement. I really needed that

  2. I don't know, I had some frustations when moving with all my books (i ended up donating away a lot) but I'm just saying we all can have something we enjoy and like you said, you're not going into debt, so why not? I am trying to use up some more of the products I have because I find with so many I don't get to use the ones I actually have as much, but I will always continue to buy more polish in the future. I love it, nothing wrong with that!

    Sad about the nails, I'm moving at the end of August... maybe I should learn to swatch first so I have a backlog to post after :P


    1. Yes, I gave away lots of stuff, my friends wouldn't know that. I am normally pretty good with ignoring other people's attitude, but it was right at my face that day, made me upset. Thanks for talking it out with me.

      And yes, prep some posts before the move :) Hope your move is going to be smooth and not too painful

  3. (((hugs))) I'm glad the move is over! And the hugs are for the judgement. People often don't get another person's passion. If it's not something they are into they think 'what a waste' but it's not a waste if it makes you happy. For what it's worth - your followers 'get' you!

    1. Thanks, Norma. I'm fine with my friends not understanding, but making blunt comments about my stash was hurtful. I'm glad you guys get me :)

    2. Ouch. I don't know what was said and so can't gauge for myself but I will say sometimes (most times!) people should just keep their opinions to themselves. Most times people should think 'humm is this hurting anyone? no? Okay now to just keep my lip buttoned' :(

    3. Yes, especially when Canadians are known for being polite lol

  4. Yay!! you did IT!! you made it through, in the new place...now you can relax a bit before you get started on organizing the place as you want it to be :) I hope that your new neighbours are nice~

    Anyway, do you friends know you blog? That could be part of the reason not knowing. I mean you do get a lot of stuff from company's right?

    On another side, well, friends make blunt comments. That's also one of the reasons why they might be our friends. I guess they want to make sure you don't end up on an episode of Hoarders! (seriously...sometimes I worry about that show...despite never seeing a whole episode of it *shudders*) So as the devils advocate, maybe they are looking out for you in that aspect.

    Finally on a good note, Rock Candy looks gorgeous! It is too bad that your nails were mutilated with the move, but they will grow back, and now you can swatch some that agree better on short nails~ (but that is more of a person thought, I hate swatching some colours on myself on longer nails...I feel witch-y haha) Anyway keep those cuticles hydrated and hope they grow back soon enough

    1. Thanks E, the neighbourhood is quite nice, I enjoy it :)

      Only my bff in TO knows about my blog, so she sometimes talks to me about makeup lol. I do get samples but they only make like 10 - 15% of my stash :) I do consider myself a hoarder but friends could choose their words to be constructive, not destructive about it, I wish
